The Bull Market has started. If you get in now you will be very pleased this time, next year. Just had LOOM make a good run. I was in at .06 and .07 and it went to .41. Didn't catch even half of the move but got just over 300%. That's the problem when a Bull Market starts. You tend to be quick on the trigger for a bit of cash.
Got back in at .10 and .12 and waiting for the next run. This recent run is where LOOM hit a billion in volume (a good indicator the check).
If you are still thinking about getting into the Crypto Market consider what these rather knowledgeable people are saying about the Markets.
An 'extremely rare' stock market signal with a 100% accuracy rate is flashing and points to record highs in 2024 (Yes, this is about the Stock Market which is around 40 Trillion Dollars compared to the Crypto Market @ 1.6 Trillion. When liquidity flows in they move.)
“I am obviously very bullish… I’ve got three outcomes in my head . . . The 60% probability is we have kind of a very traditional cycle and that pushes Bitcoin up to the $100,000 to $200,000 range and all the other assets accordingly where they are on the risk curve.” . . . “There’s a 20% chance this early start is signifying something much bigger, . . . The other side that I grapple with as well is [that] the whole cycle’s front-loaded and in fact, it’s shorter, but more violent in 2024. Raoul Pal Former Goldman Sachs executive.
If you are just starting out go with coins that have at least a billion in volume when you are in the All view on any coin @ https://www.worldcoinindex.com/
ETF's are coming soon! Money will flow. Put some in your pocket!